Forging Tomorrow’s Engineers

LiU Formula Student

LiU Formula Student is a non-profit student association at Linköping University. Every year we develop and design a competition race car, which we afterwards take to Formula Student competitions all over Europe to compete against other universities from all around the globe. To achieve this, we cooperate closely with local industries as well as Linköping University. Right now we consist of about 100 students, both at bachelor level as well as master level, from several different programs and grades

from Concept to Checkered Flag


Formula student is an international competition. The aim is for the teams, which consist solely of students, to completely design, manufacture and build a racing car with limited resources within one year.


dare to dream

Interested in wanting to be a part of our journey towards this year’s competition vehicle? With a partnership you will contribute both to personal development as well as increasing engineering skills and broaden the technical knowledge of LiU Formula Student’s members. Get exposure at one of Sweden’s leading technical universities!



We are a student-run organization based in Linköping, Sweden, dedicated to designing and building a Formula Student car each year. After completing the car, we compete against other Formula Student teams from around the world.

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